MeLightningspirit's Blog

Being promoted to engineering manager

I just got promoted to engineering manager.

Getting promoted to a manager position is definitely a high point in anyone's career. The focus shifts from purely technical to leading and managing people. Challenges exist in this kind of transition, though, usually in the form of anxious feelings regarding how one is going to manage former colleagues who are now direct reports.

Dealing with Anxiety

It is natural to feel a little scared by the new role, I believe. I often think, Do I have what it takes in leadership skills? Will my colleagues respect me in this new role? I recognize these feelings, but I remember that they are quite common and temporary. I also remind myself of my strengths and the confidence my organization has placed in me by promoting me.

Developing Relationships

This transition from peer to leader requires a delicate balancing act of authority and empathy. First, I needed to open channels of communication. I did this through one-on-one meetings where expectations are shared, and time is allowed for my team members to discuss their concerns about my new role as manager, always respecting their experience too.

Clearly Define Expectations

As a manager, being clear with the expectations from the company towards our team is my best friend, spelling out roles, responsibilities, and performance standards clearly. Then, my next step was how to explain my vision for the team and align their goals with the objectives of the organization. I believe this creates accountability and fosters a sense of common purpose among team members.

Developing Leadership Skills

The move into a management position will require skills one might not have. Seek mentorship from either experienced managers within or outside your organization. I took time to learn about leadership styles, conflict resolution, and communication skills following some key leaders and talking to my peers in the compnay, staying open to feedback to improve my growing skills.

Overcoming Obstacles

Challenges are part of any managerial job. Handling conflicts in a solution-oriented way, not blame-oriented is one of my pilars. I belive doing so I can develop a culture in my team based on trust and cooperation.