MeLightningspirit's Blog

Data Structures in C

While looking for something else to do, I realized how much I missed writing C code. I really enjoy how the C language allows me, as a programmer, to communicate almost directly with the machine, specifying exactly what and how to execute tasks.

In C, structures are fairly easy to understand, and you can use the built-in primitives provided by the language. However, when dealing with larger structures, libraries, or applications, or when it's impractical to know the dimensions of your dataset at compile time, using malloc and similar functions becomes an invaluable tool. The challenge here is that with this flexibility comes the responsibility of carefully managing memory allocation yourself. Do I really need to reinvent the wheel every time I require a dynamically allocated list with attached operations, or when I need a simple queue?

Enters my new repository of C data structures!

What is included

I've compiled some of the C code I've written and created a library that includes three data structures I believe are essential for most applications:

Vector operations

vector_t *vector_t_create(const size_t);
void vector_t_destroy(vector_t *);
// Retrieves the size (capacity) of `vector_t`
size_t vector_t_size(const vector_t *);
// Grows or shrinks a `vector_t`
void vector_t_resize(vector_t *, const size_t);
// Compacts a sparsed vector keeping
// intact the order of members.
size_t vector_t_compact(vector_t *);
// Inserts an element at given `size_t` in the `vector_t`
// Does not replace any value, only places `item` in the 
// position `index`, moving right all subsequent non-null 
// items, unless position holds a `NULL` pointer.
void vector_t_insert(vector_t *, const size_t, void *);
// Updates or inserts an element at given `size_t` within
// the `vector_t`
void vector_t_set(vector_t *, const size_t, void *);
void *vector_t_get(const vector_t *, const size_t);
// Removes `count` elements from `start` position
void vector_t_remove(vector_t *, size_t, const size_t);
// Inserts member right after the last non-null
// position of `vector_t`
void vector_t_push(vector_t *, void *);
// Move a member to a new index, overriding any
// value in `destination`
void vector_t_move(vector_t *, const size_t, const size_t);
// Swaps poistions of any two members
void vector_t_swap(vector_t *, const size_t, const size_t);
// Copy the provided `vector_t` keeping members with same pointer
vector_t *vector_t_copy(const vector_t *);
// Reverse the provided `vector_t`
void vector_t_reverse(vector_t *);

Matrix operations

matrix_t *matrix_t_create(const size_t rows, const size_t cols);
void matrix_t_destroy(matrix_t *);
void matrix_t_set(matrix_t *matrix, const size_t row, const size_t col, void *item);
void *matrix_t_get(matrix_t *matrix, const size_t row, const size_t col);



#include "vector.h"
int main() {
  // create vector with size = 3
  vector_t *v = vector_t_create(3);
  int i = 42;
  vector_t_set(v, 0, &i);
  // it's the same pointer
  (*(int *)vector_t_get(v, 0)) == i
  int j = 101;
  // insert j in 3rd position
  vector_t_insert(v, 2, &j);
  // remove two positions, starting in index 1, positions are set to `NULL`
  // does not actually resize the vector
  vector_t_remove(v, 1, 2);
  // do not forget to free memory
  return 0;


#include "matrix.h"
int main() {
  // matrix of 2 x 3
  matrix_t *m = matrix_t_create(2, 3);
  matrix_t_cols(m) == 3;
  matrix_t_rows(m) == 2;
  int i = 42;
  matrix_t_set(m, 0, 0, &i);
  return 0;

Node (Linked List)

#include "node.h"
int main() {
  int s[4] = {1, 37, 42, 101};
  // head(42) -> NULL
  node_t *head = node_t_create(&s[2], NULL);
  node_t *tail = NULL;
  // head(37) -> next(42) -> NULL
  node_t_unshift(&s[1], &head);
  // head(1) -> next(37) -> next(42) -> NULL
  node_t_unshift(&s[0], &head);
  // head(1) -> next(37) -> next(42) -> next(101) -> NULL
  tail = node_t_push(&s[3], &head);
  // head(1)
  // tail(101)
  // i = 1
  // head(37) -> next(42) -> next(101) -> NULL
  int i = *(int *)node_t_shift(&head);
  // head(37)
  // do not forget to free memory
  return 0;

Building a Queue or Stack with a Linked List

You can leverage the node_t structure to build an efficient queue or stack by maintaining a reference to the head of the stack, or in the case of a queue, both the head and tail. The operations on node_t simplify the implementation of these structures.

Thread-Safe Queue System

Creating a simple thread-safe queue system can be beneficial for many queuing operations. This can be accomplished using the POSIX pthreads module.

// queue.c
#include <pthread.h>
#include "node.h"
typedef struct queue_t
  node_t *head;
  node_t *tail;
  size_t size;
  pthread_mutex_t lock;
} queue_t;
queue_t *queue_t_create()
  queue_t *q = malloc_realloc(sizeof(*q), NULL);
  q->size = 0;
  pthread_mutex_init(&q->lock, NULL);
  return q;
void queue_t_append(queue_t *q, void *v)
  q->tail = node_t_push(v, q->head == NULL ? &q->head : &q->tail);
void queue_t_prepend(queue_t *q, void *v)
  node_t_unshift(v, &q->head);
void *queue_shift(queue_t *q)
  node_t *t = NULL;
  if (q->size > 0)
    t = node_t_shift(&q->head);
  return t;
size_t queue_size(queue_t *q)
  return q->size;
void queue_destroy(queue_t *q)

While very rudimentary, I hope this can be useful for someone too.