Hi, I'm Vitor de Carvalho, a Software Engineer, Hacker, Open Source contributor, Musician, and Astrophysics enthusiast living in sunny Lisbon, Portugal.
I work at ClickHouse and in the past, I worked for SAPO and Talkdesk
Some of my personal projects include Funtastic and Editor.js Blocks React Renderer
Data Structures in C
A simple implmentation of data structures in C
Never nesting
The Case for Avoiding Nesting and Using Small Functions
A Tale about undefined
Null vs undefined and why using undefined as default.
The Agile Initiative Inception
How do you make sure everyone knows where the road leads?
How to redirect a Heroku subdomain
Introducing the Permanent Redirect Server written in Node.js.
Being promoted to manager
Navigating the Transition between Engineer and Manager
Rest PUT vs POST actions by example
The only significant difference between PUT and POST
Solving SSH Authentication with Permission Denied message
A tale about securing your most secured directories
Hello World
or the preface of something entirely new.